progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN),
A. Brief Descriptions:
A syndrome associated with severe glomerular injury and does not denote a specific etiologic form of glomrulonephritis.
Loss of renal function associated with severe oliguria and death from renal failure within week to months.
B. Gross Findings:
The kidney is enlarged and pale, often with petechial hemorrhages on the cortical surfaces.
C. Micro Findings:
Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis.
Massive proliferation of cells (crescent formation) in Bowman's space, affecting a high percentage of glomeruli, & quickly develop renal failure.
Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule, from a focal & segmental accumulation of a few cells lining Bowman's capsule to extensively circumferential involvement.
Cellular, fibrocellular or fibrotic crescent.
Minimal change in tuft & tubules in early stage, then tubular atrophy, fibrosis & scarring in progressive patient.
Edematous interstitium with mononuclear cells infiltration.
D. Others:
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. p.951-952
【 Fig. 124-1 (20X)】Degenerated and regenerated tubules.Note edematous stroma.
【 Fig. 124-2 (10X)】Hemorrhagic and chronic inflamed stroma.
【 Fig. 124-3 (20X)】Hyaline casts in renal tubules.
【 Fig. 124-4 (20X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-5 (20X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-6 (20X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-7 (40X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-8 (20X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-9 (40X)】Crescent on the inside of Bowman's capsule.
【 Fig. 124-10 (40X)】Some glomerulus demonstrates sclerosing change.
【 Fig. 124-11 (40X)】Some glomerulus undergoes sclerosing change.