《Slide 163.》Germinoma, Pineal gland
A. Brief Descriptions:
Germ cell neoplasm identical to those in the gonad and mediastinum.
Strong male predominance.
B. Gross Findings:
C. Micro Findings:
Sheets, lobules,and nests of large round neoplastic cells interspersed with lymphocytes & delicate septae of fibrous tissue.
Round vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli.
Indistinct、somewhat vacuolated、pale、 glycogen-rich cytoplasm.
Variable amounts of associated T-lymphocytes infiltrates.
Granuloma and syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells might be seen in some cases.
D. Others:
此片的病理變化與發生於testis的seminoma是相同的。Sheets, lobules,and nests of large round neoplastic cells interspersed with lymphocytes是典型的特色。
Primary germ cell tumor好發於adolescents和young adults。Tumor 以midline發生位置最多見,尤其是pineal and suprasellar regions蠻常見。發生於pineal area的germ cell tumor以男性居多,而且不發生於suprasellar region。
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.1350.
【 Fig. 163-1 (LP)】Relatively well-defined tumor destructed pineal gland and extending into recessus pinealis.
【 Fig. 163-2 (LP)】
【 Fig. 163-3 (LP)】Infiltrated individual cells with fibrous septi, noted lymphocytes in fibrous septi.
【 Fig. 163-4 (LP)】Tumor cells with abundant clear cytoplasm, large nuclei and prominent (red) nucleoli.