《Slide 196.》Malignant meningioma, Meninges
A. Brief Descriptions:
Correspond to WHO grade III.
Increased tendency of recurrence and locally aggressive behavior.
Usually fatal, with median survivals of less than 2 years.
B. Gross Findings:
C. Micro Findings:
Obvious cytological malignancy (similar to sarcoma, carcinoma or melanoma).
High mitotic index: >20 mitoses / 10 HPF.
Multifocal microscopic foci of necrosis and loss of usual growth patterns.
D. Others:
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.1350-1351.
【 Fig. 196-1 (LP)】
【 Fig. 196-2 (LP)】May invade bone.
【 Fig. 196-3 (LP)】Marked cellullarity.
【 Fig. 196-4 (LP)】Necrosis.
【 Fig. 196-5 (LP)】Numerous mitotic figures.
【 Fig. 196-6 (HP)】Nuclear anaplasia.
【 Fig. 196-7 (HP)】