Soft tissue
A. Brief Descriptions:
One of the most common soft tissue sarcoma of adulthood.
2. A peak incidence between 40 and 60 years,
with two major sites in the extremities (thigh) and the
B. Gross Findings:
Tend to be well circumscribed or encapsulated with a lobulated pattern and satellite nodules.
C. Micro Findings:
Five basic histological categories:
Myxoid liposarcoma.
Round cell liposarcoma.
Well-differentiated liposarcoma (including atypical lipoma).
Dedifferentiated liposarcoma.
Pleomorphic liposarcoma.
In our slide:
An extreme degree of cellular pleomorphism with different differentiated stages of lipoblasts and some bizarre multinucleated tumor giant cells.
Lipoblast: hyperchromatic, scalloped nuclei with prominent nucleoli and different content of intracellular lipid material.
Mitosis is easily seen.
Areas of myxoid change are also noticed.
D. Others:
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P1261.
【 Fig. 150-1 (LP)】 Hypercellular tumor with focal myxoid change (center).
【 Fig. 150-2 (LP)】
【 Fig. 150-3 (LP)】 Extreme degree of cellular pleomorphism with different differentiated stages of lipoblasts.
【 Fig. 150-4 (HP)】 Lipoblasts with hyperchromatic, scalloped nuclei which were pushed by intracytoplasmic fatty vacuoles.