
Feb. 25, 2004修正


1. Surgical pathology & Clinical pathology


2. Routine pathological procedure

1.      Specimens transport

o        fresh, & sent as soon as possible, otherwise in 4℃ to slow down autolysis.

o        small biopsies should be fixed immediately.

2.      Protocol with clinical datas.

3.      Secretary for clinical data and pathological No.

4.      Fixation

§ protein: 10% buffered formalin

§ nucleus (bone marrow, lymph node, & testicle)

o        B5 solution (formalin-mercury mixture)

o        Zenker's solution (formalin-mercury mixture)

o        Bouin's solution (formalin-acetic acid)

§ absolute alcohol

o        4% paraformaldehyde & 1% glutaraldehyde for EM

5.      Gross examination

§ type of specimen

§ structure included

§ size, weight, shape, & color

6.      Sampling ( take block )

§ trimming (3mm thick, smaller than cassette)

§ orientation & surgical margins by ink.

§ mapping

1.      Dehydration (by alcohol)

2.      Clearing (by xylene)

3.      Infiltration by (heated paraffin)

4.      Embedding ( by paraffin )--> block

5.      Section to 4 um

6.      Staining routineiy by “hematoxylin & eosin stain”.

7.      Covering --> slide

1.      Clinical data

2.      Gross description

3.      Microscopic description

4.      Diagnosis

§ organ, specific site, operation, diagnosis.

§ Bone, femur, biopsy, osteosarcoma.

5.      Comment

6.      Signature by pathologist


3. Frozen section

·         rapid frozen to -20 ~ -30℃

·         protect by OCT compound

·         rapid diagnosis during operation

·         detect lipid, special receptor.....