Slide 6.Corrosive gastritis, Stomach

A. Brief Descriptions

  1. Ingestion of corrosive agents (lye, acids) with dramatic injury to the esophagus.

  2. Grossly, black discoloration of the mucosal surface with edematous change.

B. Gross Findings

  1. Blackish discoloration of gastric mucosa, hemorrhage , ulceration, or perforation.

C. Micro Findings

  1. Hemorrhage, congestion, coagulative necrosis of mucosa with hemosiderin or carbon deposit.

  2. Necrotizing necrosis with inflammatory infiltration.

  3. Variant pictures due to agents, amounts & concentration (depth of layers involved).

D. Others:

  1. Causes :ingestion of corrosive agents (lye, acids) with dramatic injury to the esophagus and stomach.

E. Reference

  1. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed.  P.789-790.



Fig. 6-1 (LP)Coagulative necrosis of mucosa and submucosa with relatively preserved muscularis propria.





Fig. 6-2 (LP)Coagulative necrosis of mucosa (upper) and submucosa (lower). Note the relatively preserved contour of mucosal glands with loss of individual nuclei.





Fig. 6-3 (LP)Coagulative necrosi of mucosal glands with relatively preserved glandular contour but without nucleus. A residual gland is seen in the center.




Fig. 6-4 (LP)There are many brown to black variable sized particles deposit in coagulative necrotic area.




Fig. 6-5 (LP)Congestion and hemorrhage in muscularis propria.





Fig. 6-6 (LP)The serosal surface (left) is coated with fibrinoid substance with inflammatory cells infiltrate. Note diffuse congestion of vessels.