《Slide 26.》Heart failure cell, Lung
A. Brief Descriptions:
Left ventricle fail to keep pace with the venous return from the lungs, pulmonary congestion and edema results.
Intra-alveolar precipitate and widening of alveolar septa at first.
Heart failure cell: hemosiderin laden macrophage in lung.
Long persistence septal edema often induces fibrosis within the alveolar wall.
B. Gross Findings:
C. Micro Findings:
Heart failure cell presented in alveolar spaces.
Congestion and hemorrhage.
Anthracotic deposits in alveolar septi.
D. Others:
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.549.
【 Fig. 26-1 (LP)】The alveolar spaces are filled with exudate and brownish heart failure cells; note entrapped air bubbles and thickened alveolar septi.
【 Fig. 26-2 (HP)】Heart failure cells as hemosiderin laden macrophages in the alveolar spaces; note anthracosis (dark brown carbon dusts) of the interstitium (right upper).