《Slide 88.》Mucinous carcinoma, Breast
A. Brief Descriptions:
Colloid carcinoma.
Invasive carcinoma of breast; tends to occur in older women and grows slowly; pure form with an excellent short-term prognosis.
B. Gross Findings:
Well circumscribed and formed by a currant jelly-like mass held together by delicate septa.
Cystic degeneration has been reported in relatively large tumrs.
C. Micro Findings:
Extracellular mucin pooling that dissect and extend into the contiguous tissue spaces and planes of cleavage.
Small islands and isolated neoplastic cells are floating within a sea of mucin.
D. Others:
Compare with slide 88, infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast.
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.1112.
【 Fig. 88-1 (LP)】Lakes of slightly staining mucin with island of neoplastic cells floating.
【 Fig. 88-2 (LP)】The neoplastic cells arrange in nests.
【 Fig. 88-3 (LP)】Some tumor cells form cribriform or glandular pattern.
【 Fig. 88-4 (HP)】Tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei and some have distinct nucleoli.