《Slide 94.》Pheochromocytoma, Adrenal gland
A. Brief Descriptions:
Uncommon neoplasm composed of chromaffin cells: synthesize and release catecholamine.
Paraganglioma of adrenal medulla.
10% tumor: 10% malignant, 10% bilateral, 10% extra-adrenal .
B. Gross Findings:
Small, circumscribed lesions confined to the adrenal to large hemorrhagic masses weighing kilogram.
Incubation of fresh tissue with potassium dichromate solution: dark brown color.
C. Micro Findings:
Arranged in well-defined nests (zellballen) bounded by delicate fibrovascular stroma, which may contain amyloid.
Cells vary in size & shape & have a finely granular & basophilic or eosinophilic or lipid-containing cytoplasm.
Round or oval vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli & sometimes. inclusion-like structure due to deep cytoplasmic invagination.
Nuclear gigantism & hyperchromasia are not an expression of malignancy.
D. Others:
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.1165.
【 Fig. 94-1 (1X)】
【 Fig. 94-2 (2X)】
【 Fig. 94-3 (4X)】
【 Fig. 94-4 (4X)】
【 Fig. 94-5 (4X)】
【 Fig. 94-6 (10X)】
【 Fig. 94-7 (10X)】
【 Fig. 94-8 (20X)】
【 Fig. 94-9 (40X)】
【 Fig. 94-10 (40X)】