《Slide 191.》Adenocarcinoma & Caseous granuloma, Lung
A. Brief Descriptions:
Caseous granuloma is caused by tuberculosis.
B. Gross Findings:
C. Micro Findings:
Composed of epithelioid cells surrounded by a zone of fibroblasts and lymphocytes.
Some necrosis (caseation) is usually present in the centers of these tubercles.
D. Others:
It most occurs in the apex of the lung. (may be widely disseminated in the lungs, kidneys, meninges, marrows and other organs)
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. Ch.16. P.723~724.
【 Fig. 191-1 (LP)】
【 Fig. 191-2 (LP)】
【 Fig. 191-3 (HP)】
【 Fig. 191-4 (HP)】