Slide 126.Nodular glomerulosclerosis, Kidney

A. Brief Descriptions

  1. DM related nephropathy.

B. Gross Findings


C. Micro Findings

  1. Tubules: Armanni-Ebstein change ( glycogen deposits within tubular epithelial cells).

  2. Variable change of interstitium depending on infection or not.

  3. Glomeruli:

    • Acellular, homogeneous, eosinophilic, globular nodules in the mesangial orintercapillary region of a glomerular tuft with capillary displaced to the periphery.

    • Diffuse intercapillary glomerulosclerosis: increasing eosinophilic mesangial matrix materials.

    • Capsular drop: eosinophilic small nodules on Bowman's capsule.

    • Fibrin cap: eosinophilic, waxy, fatty structure within the lumen of one or more capillary loops of glomerular tufts.

D. Others:

  1. Diabetic nephropathy:

E. Reference

  1. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed.  p.967




Fig. 126-1 (10X)Nodular sclerosis of glomeruli are the characteristic.




Fig. 126-2 (40X)Nodular sclerosis of glomeruli are seen in this high power field.




Fig. 126-3 (4X)Charateristic nodular sclerosing pattern.




【 Fig. 126-4 (10X)】Some global sclerosis of glomeruli are seen, too.