《Slide 161.》Tuberculous meningitis, Meninges
A. Brief Descriptions:
Chronic bacterial meningitis.
B. Gross Findings:
Discrete,white granules scattered over the leptomeninges.
Gelatinous or fibrinous exudates in subarachnoid spaces often at the base of the brain,obliterating the arteries and encasing cranial nerves.
C. Micro Findings:
Chronic inflammatory reaction: lymphoplasma cells and macrophages.
Well-formed granuloma with central caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid cells and giant cells.
Calcification in inactive area.
D. Others:
臨床症狀: 頭痛、倦怠、嘔吐、神智不清。
moderate pleocytosis ( mononuclear cells or mixture of mononuclear cells and PMN ).
elevated protein content.
normal or reduced glucose level.
併發症: arachoid fibrosis result in hydrocephalus and obliterative endarteritis (阻塞性動脈內膜炎) with arterial occlusion and infarction of underlying brain.
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.1319-1317.
【 Fig. 161-1 (LP)】Nodules of caseous granulomatous inflammation in subarachnoid spaces.
【 Fig. 161-2 (LP)】Caseous necrotic centers surrounded with epithelioid cells and Langhans’ giant cells.
【 Fig. 161-3 (LP)】Caseous necrotic centers surrounded with epithelioid cells and Langhans’ giant cells.
【 Fig. 161-4 (HP)】 Langhans’ giant cells.