《Slide 11.》Malaria pigment (Hemozoin), Liver
A. Brief Descriptions:
Malaria caused by the intracellular protozoan parasite. ( Plasmodium falciparum…).
Malaria pigment formed by the break-down of hemoglobin of RBC.
It is brown-black pigment and yellow-orange in polarized light.
B. Gross Findings:
Enlarged, congested, dark red to slate gray.
C. Micro Findings:
Congested sinusoids, & some disarrangement of hepatic cords.
Hypertrophy Kupffer cells containing parasitized or unparasitized RBC, remnants of parasites, hemozoin granules, & occasional hemosiderin.
D. Others:
病理組織重點: Hypertrophy Kupffer cells containing parasitized or unparasitized RBC, remnants of parasites, hemozoin granules, & occasional hemosiderin.
E. Reference:
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. P.390-391.
【 Fig. 11-1 (LP)】
【 Fig. 11-2 (LP)】
【 Fig. 11-3 (LP)】
【 Fig. 11-4 (HP)】